Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Backwards Walk

So, this one time, after the Friday Night Extravaganza (tonight), I was feeling quite chipper. So, even though it got out later than the last bus home, I was content to walk home. In fact, I was looking forward to having the time to reflect on certain things and just be happy about life. By the time I got to the corner of center street and 9th east, I decided it was time for a change. I turned around, and walked backwards all the way home. I had the time and had never done that before for such a long distance. I tried not to look around too much. It was lots of fun. I only tripped once, but did not fall. And, I hit a yield sign once when I stepped off the sidewalk at a corner. But, overall, a successful journey which used completely different muscles than usual (it works the calves like crazy). I can now say that I've walked home backwards from the corner of center street and 9th east. Hooray for me.


Thirdmango said...

That's a long ways. I actually found my brother doing that exact same thing the other day.

Yarjka said...

What on Earth was he doing in this area of town? I mean, it's not really the optimal region for backwards walking ... I just did it here because I was on my way home.