Thursday, October 19, 2006

A New Board Writer

Hey, I've made a contribution without even trying. I simply answered the question posted on an online forum, and now I've been quoted on The Board. I keep this up, and maybe people will think I'm a board writer myself.


Claire said...

Woohoo, you're famous!

Wow, I can't believe I know a board writer! oh wait...

John D. Moore said...

You've got some very important people watching you now.

SkyBluePink said...

Nocturne, you are my favorite! No, seriously...

Anyway, Yarjka, good work! I'm so proud! :D

Yarjka said...

Vincent said:
"You've got some very important people watching you now."

Well, there is that person stalking me at the moment ... is that what you mean? Are there others?

exclusive_remedy said...

As your stalker I would like to say yes I am important, thank you very much!