Monday, January 01, 2007

A Year of Decision Ahead

So, with 2006 gone, it's time to move ahead to 2007. This will be an interesting year, as it will be, for me, a year of decision. My first decision will be what to do with my Summer. I have the opportunity to go to Moscow and intern for the Summer. That would be cool, but would cost me a heap of cash. Financially, probably not the best choice, but, currently it's at the top of my Summer plans. Alternatively, I could stay in town and finish school this Summer. I would then be graduated by Fall, without dealing with that pesky Fall semester. However, what would I do then? Find a job? Am I planning on graduate school? I'd like to ... but then I must take the GRE sometime this Summer. I should probably do that anyways, so I can take it before they make all the changes they're planning to make to it. Even if I leave this Summer, I'll be graduating by the end of Fall semester, which would be around this time next year. So, I have to decide. I hate deciding things. I'm sure it will all turn out okay, but, still, 2007 represents for me the crashing down of reality on my world of educational bliss.

1 comment:

Dinosaur Joe said...

Looks like people have "decided" not to comment on this post. Am I right?